Hey Idexonauts. And…we're back. We've got some big announcements, so let's get right into it:.

29 Aug 2022, 20:32
Hey Idexonauts! And…we’re back! We’ve got some big announcements, so let’s get right into it: 🔥New idexo website: We’ve launched a new website as part of our updated NFT Platform for Innovators. The updated website and the products available on it are the result of many long hours of work by the team. This is a major reason we’ve been a bit quiet of late - lots more to share shortly as well. 🔥NFTMe update: We’re getting ready for a public beta release of NFTMe and launch of a new website in the next couple of weeks. This launch has taken a lot longer than planned, therefore we have updated the NFTMe staking pool format to remove the third phase. If you want to take part in that pool the last deadline will be 30 days after full release. 🔥New community website: We are working on a new community website - if you would like to contribute to the planning process for this, please DM one of the team and we’ll get you in the loop. That’s it for now! The Polygon MultiChain Gang mint is about half way done. We will be announcing shortly the next couple of chains. Any guesses?