Hey Idexonauts. This week we have some of our biggest announcements ever. Here's some highlights:.

30 May 2022, 23:42
Hey Idexonauts! This week we have some of our biggest announcements ever. Here's some highlights: 😃Method Credits Release: We are pleased to announce the release of our stable method credits system. The press release for this will be published tomorrow. This accomplishes one of the key pillars of our whitepaper and sets the stage for a decentralized version we will be releasing later this month. 😄New NFT Drop / Ecosystem: Later this week we will announce a new ground-breaking NFT drop and ecosystem with some never-before-seen features. For now, attached is a teaser - look for more soon. 😃NFTMe Release: The NFTMe app MVP is done and we will begin sending test invites to people who signed up. With that, the first phase of the NFTMe pool is complete and the second phase has started, with the deadline to stake to be in the second phase being 1 month after full launch of the app. For more details, see the NFTMe pool announcement.