Hey Idexonauts. A quick update regarding the IGSP changes and vote and some other things we are working on.

14 Jun 2022, 19:12
Hey Idexonauts! A quick update regarding the IGSP changes and vote and some other things we are working on. 🚀Preliminary results: it seems the move is a very popular one and voting so far looks like a resounding yes! Given that we are starting to make preparations already. Assuming a yes vote we will make the accumulated annual rewards available this Friday the 16th of June. 🚀Decentralized proposals / voting / spending for community incentives: We are working on an updated voting contract with proposal making, voting and spending features. We should have it ready in time for the new IGSP contract. Making proposals will be open to any holders of nfts that are staked annually or tri-annually and voting will be open to any holders of nfts staked tri-annually. When a proposal is made it includes things like what is being done, what the $FIDO award is and what wallet the award will go to, as well as whether the task is pre or post-funded. Post-funded tasks will have an on-chain review mechanism as well. We will post more details on this when the contract and UI are ready. The first deposit into this contract will be 208,333 $FIDO and no proposal can spend more than 20% of that. The intent is to provide a way for the community to source and reward proposals that help grow awareness of idexo’s fee-generating products and services and thus ultimately lead to an increase in rewards to stakers and overall network value greater than the value of the disbursement of $FIDO. We have 2 more big announcements coming tomorrow and Thursday - 👀stay tuned for those⏰!