Hey Everyone,.

13 Mar 2023, 16:36
Hey Everyone, Today the Metaverse Fashion Council announced that idexo CEO/CTO Greg Marlin will be the keynote for this month’s Metaverse Fashion Fest on March 28th from 3pm-7pm. You won’t want to miss that event and look for some related announcements coming soon. Last week we were mentioned in an article by MediaPost about our OpenAI integration. MediaPost is a major publication for PR, advertising and marketing professionals. We’re late processing March 1 staking rewards and will do so later today - apologies for the delay. We have several more big announcements coming soon - stay tuned for that. Some of you many be wondering, with the recent announcement of our decentralized multichain bridge, if idexo’s own bridge will be getting an upgrade. The answer to that is Yes - idexo’s own network will be one of the first customers, switching over the bridge to the new technology, enabling very fast transfers across any pairs (no more long waits) and likely some new pairs on launch (Arbitrum was a recent request for instance). We should have more insight as to launch date towards the end of March / beginning of April and will provide updates when we have them.